Easy Maths TIME
Let young learners understand the world of time (clocks, watches, day and night, etc.) with this wonderful and colourful workbook. This engaging workbook has been carefully put together to make the concepts of telling time exciting through attention-grabbing, fun, picture-based activities. This workbook is a must-have for every young shcool-going child.
Introduce young learners to the curious world of mathematical fractions with this colorful, bright illustrated workbook. This engaging workbook has been carefully put together to make simple fractions clear and fun using interesting picture and shape-based activities. This workbook is a must-have for every young school-going child.
Introduce young learners to the world fo multiplication with this bright and wonderfully illustrated workbook. This engaging workbook has been carefully put together to make learning of simple multiplication fun through interesting, exciting, picture-based activities that make the concept easy-to-understand. This workbook is a must-have for every young school-going child.
Easy Maths Simple DIVISION
Introduce young learners to the world of divisor, dividend, quotient and remainder with this colorful, brightly illustrated workbook. This engaging workbook has been carefully put together to make learning of simple division effortless through interesting, exciting, picture-based activities that make the concept fun and easy-to-understand. This workbook is a must-have for every young school-going child.
Each book contains 64 pages